
WISH LIST - Plants, tools, supplies

Page history last edited by Ruth 3 years ago


Our growing wish list of items for our food forest


Bags of compost (purchased to avoid snake worms) - maybe a large quantity from Vermont Compost?


Money for trees and plants from a local (as possible) nursery (some specific improved varieties, as Jesse recommends)

     improved chestnut trees (Mossbarger - coldest Chinese Type,  Jenny, Kintzel)

     blueberry bushes

     currant bushes

     hazelbert shrubs (layered clones from good/improved parents, not random seedlings)



Specific perennials (bare rooted to avoid snake worms):

     lupine, columbine, yarrow, any herbs, everbearing strawberries, asters, rudbeckia, sorrel,      perennial cabbage or  spinach, sea kale, hardy geraniums(cranesbill), evening primrose, feverfew, Saint      John's Wort, echinacea, cutleaf toothwort...


     Maybe have some spots on the edges for some perennials that like to take over but are good to have      around, like sunchokes, stinging nettles, mints, Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium)...


Seed: white clover, red clover, arugula, nasturtium, vetch, calendula, chamomile...


Fencing - in good shape (3 - 4 foot height minimum)

Tree collars

Tools - in good shape: pruners, loppers, hard rakes, leaf rakes, spade shovels, spade forks


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